
Take Your Life From Surviving to Thriving!

Kelly Wilson, CTRC – Certified Trauma, PTSD, & Grief Recovery Specialist

I’m Glad You’re Here!

You might be here because somebody recommended me, or you found me through an online search, or we met at a community event.

And you’re probably in a lot of pain.

If this is the case, I am very excited (I know, that’s a weird thing to say). But I am EXCITED because this is an awesome first step in getting the help you need. (If you want my official credentials before moving on, go here first).

Painful Symptoms You May Be Experiencing

How do trauma, PTSD and grief show up? They want attention, so they cause pain.

The good thing about trauma, PTSD and grief symptoms is that they overlap and manifest in similar ways in our lives. Many times, these symptoms are associated with anxiety and/or depression. This isn’t “wrong” by any means, but there could be past trauma and grief that needs to be processed that will lessen – and in many cases – eradicate how trauma and grief are showing up in your life.

Let’s break the symptoms and situations down. If some of the items on this list resonate with you, then you might have trauma, PTSD or grief in the past that wants to be seen, heard, and processed.

How Symptoms Show Up in the Body

  • ☑️ Panic; fear that is not easily explained or out of context
  • ☑️ Uneasiness that won’t let up
  • ☑️ Sleep issues, including nightmares and sleeping too much or too little
  • ☑️ Little hope for the future and/or a sense of doom
  • ☑️ Difficulty settling down, feeling jittery
  • ☑️ Muscle tension, aches and pains
  • ☑️ Inability to stop thinking about problems over and over again
  • ☑️ Hard time concentrating
  • ☑️ Easily overwhelmed
  • ☑️ Feeling like you don’t belong
  • ☑️ Waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • ☑️ Avoidance
  • ☑️ Visual and/or emotional flashbacks
  • ☑️ Negative thoughts and feelings
  • ☑️ Feeling numb
  • ☑️ Relationship challenges

I Have Helped People Navigate:

  • ☑️ Losing a child
  • ☑️ Losing a sibling
  • ☑️ Losing a parent
  • ☑️ Complex childhood trauma, including sexual abuse and emotional neglect
  • ☑️ Our polarized political climate in the U.S.
  • ☑️ Marital separation
  • ☑️ Divorce
  • ☑️ Pet loss
  • ☑️ Court cases
  • ☑️ Moving homes, cities, countries
  • ☑️ Parenting
  • ☑️ Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
  • ☑️ Chronic illness and health changes
  • ☑️ Aging, from adolescence through becoming an elder
  • ☑️ Religion and church issues
  • ☑️ and more!

You Can Have a Life Without These Symptoms

Explore Your Road to Healing With Me

There is no healing in a vacuum. Connection to ourselves and others gives us a compass for finding and following the right paths for our needs. (You can check out what others have to say here)

Are you ready to find the paths that are right for you as you heal from trauma and work through grief? The first 30-minute consultation is free! Book your appointment now and let’s begin mapping your journey into healing.

A Video Meet & Greet

Look, I’m great at trauma, PTSD, and grief recovery coaching. And writing, and generally being a decent person.

HOWEVER, I’m *not* great at video. I mean, I’m great ON video, but not doing the technical stuff.

BUT, this video has some good stuff, and believe me when I tell you…I did my best (LOL).