Some gifts cannot be wrapped.
You are that kind of gift in my life.
The work that we do – individually and together – is eternal.
It cannot be tabulated or quantified or qualified. There is no finish line or end product.
In that same spirit, I thought about what I would give each one of you if I could. Here are my holiday wishes for you!
Wish #1 – For You To Know That You Matter
“Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you. Thinking of you this holiday season!” –T.A. Barron
Every step, no matter how small, matters.
As survivors of various types of trauma and grief experiences, it’s really, *really* easy for us to discount our strengths, minimize our pain, and compare ourselves with others in order to survive.
I hope that you know that YOU MATTER.
Your voice. Your experiences. Your gifts and talents and skills. Your frustrations and wrestling and progress. Your mistakes and regrets and redemptions.
Every single time you choose to get up and try again.
It ALL counts.
You matter.
Wish #2 – For You to Rest When You Can, How You Can
“Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.” –John Boswell

For a lot of us, sleeping is tough. There are a variety of reasons and no easy answers.
So a few years ago, I decided to give up on the idea of sleeping and instead focus on REST.
There’s no “right way” to rest.
For me, one way to rest is having time and space to go my own speed and to wander. Whether I’m at the grocery store or on a hike or waking up in the morning, going my natural speed is RESTFUL.
However you experience rest and rejuvenation, I wish that renewal for you!
Wish #3 – For You to Know That I am Grateful for You
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” –William Arthur Ward
Gratitude has been a BIG theme in my life throughout this difficult year. “It can always be worse” has been an important reminder to me – not as a platitude to cover up how I’m feeling, but to acknowledge how I’m feeling and to give myself perspective.
Throughout this challenging year, I have had very few things that I could really count on. One of those things was my community.
The community made up of people.
Community that includes YOU.
You and I did not meet by accident.
In fact, you and I both have likely been through some pretty horrific experiences.
I am grateful that we have found a safety community and greater healing in relationship.
Wish #4 – For You to Experience Home, Whatever That Means
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” –Edith Sitwell
If you’re like me, you don’t have a lot of family involved in your life. Or the family that you do have is…not ideal.
In my case, I experienced abuse from my parents. They are not part of my life now.
My experience of home is made up of chosen family and close friends and people I can count on. A place where I can be fully myself. Relationships that are perfectly imperfect.
Also a great couch, a lot of blankets, yummy snacks, and my dogs.
As you make your way in the world, I wish for you to experience Home in whatever way you need.
Most of all, though ~
I Hope This Holiday Season is What You Need it To Be
With love and go gently,
Go From Surviving to Thriving in the New Year!

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