
You are Not Crazy: The World is Stressful Right Now


My dear,

You are not crazy. The world is stressful right now.

It’s *not* just you.

I could tell you to do a lot of things.

Good things. Helpful things. Mental health things.

Take your meds. Eat nutritious food. Rest…A LOT. Move your body. HYDRATE.

Instead, this love letter tells us both to –

Get quiet. Unplug. Go to the woods.

(Trees have their own vagus nerve, did you know that? Trees help regulate our nervous systems.)

Be cooled by shade and a slight breeze. Watch rays of sunlight dapple shadowed leaves.

Be comforted by the sound of water flowing over rocks. Dip your feet in. Allow them to go numb in an icy creek. Lean back against the hardness of strong stone.

Remember what it was like to make chains of tiny daisies? To sip a honeysuckle bloom? To have a picnic on a blanket in a meadow? To nap in the shade, using your arm as a pillow?

Maybe you never got to do those things. Maybe you have forgotten that you ever did them.

Eat your favorite sandwich.

Feel bored.


Sing silly songs.

Dilly dally.

Be awed by the height of a waterfall or a tiny frog that jumps into your palm.

This is reality. Right here.

Light and shadows and leaves and bark and stone and water.

Be in the certainty that the trees and mycelium and clouds and falling water and light and shadows and the grains of sand that were once a whole rock ~

They are here, day after day,

Year after year;

They have been here

Before you and I were born.

Before anyone we know ever lived.

Loosen your jaw.

Drop your shoulders.

Close your eyes.

Deepen your breath.

You are here.

Right here.

Right now.

You Don’t Have to Do This Work Alone

Four Truths About Thriving in Trauma Recovery | Map Your Healing Journey

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know AND

61 Tips About the Grief Experience.

Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out more!

How Do You Even Relax as a Trauma Survivor?


I get this question A LOT.

I have asked this question A LOT.

Throughout my life – even as a teen – I have been told to “slow down,” to “relax,” and to “rest.”

What those people didn’t realize is that I DID NOT KNOW HOW. There are valid trauma-based reasons for “not being able to relax.”

Rest is Hard for Trauma Survivors

A lightswitch in the on position

When you have trauma and PTSD, your nervous system is stuck in the ON position.

This means that we are constantly in a state of hypervigiliance (aka on guard), scanning for danger. Our muscles feel tense, ready to jump up and fight or to run away to find safety. We feel intense emotions a lot of the time, and are busy spending our energy avoiding them – as well as associated memories of traumatic events – because all of it feels dangerous.

I used to be afraid that if I stopped – even for a little while – the trauma symptoms would eat me alive. I would be overtaken by them and become unable to function. That if I started crying, I might not be able to stop or I might drown in my own tears.

If you don’t have PTSD, these thoughts might sound extreme. If you do have PTSD symptoms, I hope you feel seen and can relate, because *I get it*. (Not sure if you have PTSD symptoms? Here is a Free PTSD Quiz!)

Calm and Rest and Joy Feel WEIRD

Whether or not you have PTSD symptoms, most of us don’t know on a visceral level what calm FEELS like. We don’t have a reference point for what calm feels like in our bodies. This is the culture that we live in. And when we DO feel authentic calm, it can be such a relief that it brings us to tears.

I first felt what it means to have calm in my nervous system when I went through PTSD Remediation. The first time I did the exercise, I started crying.

This is a common response. Like our bodies are crying from the sheer relief of experiencing something besides hypervigilance and tension – that pure feeling of safety and rest.

PLUS, there’s something called “feeling like the ‘other shoe is going to drop.'” One “official” name for this is Foreboding Joy.

Foreboding Joy is the feeling of joy followed IMMEDIATELY by the feeling of dread or worry or anxiety.

There’s nothing wrong with you – this is your brain trying to PROTECT you. This is a leftover groove in your brain that kept you safe for a long time, and you don’t need it anymore.

What the Heck Does “Relax” Mean?

a handle-less white cup getting filled up with tea
Fill Up Your Cup

Well, that’s the trick, isn’t it?

One of the things we need to do as trauma survivors on this journey is to figure out what is restful.

For example, I don’t like the ocean, I like the mountains. The silence is DELICIOUSLY SILENT in the mountains. The ocean makes a ton of noise and sometimes I find it irritating. I know, it’s weird LOL.

Basically what I’ve figured out is that Relax and Rest and Calm and Joy are all words that mean my nervous system is being filled and not drained.

This is stuff that doesn’t wear you out. The stuff that gives rather than takes. (Like a nap! Naps are highly underrated.)

One example is that spending time with people I don’t know very well in groups is exceptionally draining. Spending time with family is restful and restorative. Or sometimes, I need to be completely alone, and preferably around trees, which builds up my calm and joy feelings.

How to Move into Calm, Joy, & Relaxing

So how do we rewire our brains into accepting emotions like calm, joy, relaxing, and rest?


This is The Work.

This practice of moving from chaos into calm isn’t a one-size-fits-all, but a lot of these strategies work over time for many people. Some things that I have used to help my body, nervous system, and brain get used to calm and relaxation include:

  • Massage – monthly massages give our bodies reference points for calm and relaxation over a long period of time.
  • Down time, having NOTHING scheduled – feeling bored and restless is GOOD. This allows us opportunities to rest and build connections with ourselves and our needs.
  • Talk therapy and coaching – being able to regulate your nervous system with a calm person is PRICELESS, as well as being able to work out emotions, feelings, thoughts, and problems in a safe place.
  • PTSD Remediation – get rid of PTSD symptoms altogether and make trauma and grief processing easier on the nervous system.
  • Breathing exercises – practicing breathing exercises at different times helps this practice become automatic when you find yourself in distress.
  • Responding to the body’s needs for hunger and bathroom – these are needs that go ignored by PTSD and trauma survivors most often, and tuning into them is the easiest way to start connecting brain and body.
  • Noticing when I’m feeling calm, joy, relaxation, and rest – These sensations and feelings most likely will feel strange, and it may take a while to identify them when they happen. Awareness is everything.
  • Meditation – even ONE MINUTE of meditation changes your brain for the better. I do guided meditations because that’s what I prefer, but even sitting outside and listening to the wind in the leaves is meditating.

AND…last but not least ~

Focus on Being Wholly Present in This Moment

When my kids are stressed about something they have to wait for – like whether or not they have been accepted into a competitive college program – I remind them that, “It’s time to present moment this b*tch.”

A step at a time. A moment at a time. A breath at a time. Present.

Being fully present feels overwhelming sometimes, especially if – like me – you’ve used dissociation as a tool to get through some really hard times.

Our culture encourages us to distract and dissociate.

There’s no shame in that. Skills work until they don’t.

The transition from dissociation to being present in where you are now is simple practice. The good news is that it DOES get easier and you DO start being present without having to think about it so much.

Relaxing as a Trauma Survivor DOES Get Easier

Like I tell my clients: EVERY STEP COUNTS.

Doesn’t matter how small the step – IT COUNTS.

Every time you practice bringing your nervous system into calm – either by yourself or with another calm person – this is a HUGE deal.

And before you know it, over time, your system will CRAVE this sense of calm and rest that you have created for yourself.

You Don’t Have to Do This Work Alone

Four Truths About Thriving in Trauma Recovery | Map Your Healing Journey

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know AND

61 Tips About the Grief Experience.

Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out more!

PTSD Recovery Roundup! Awesome PTSD Recovery Resources


June is PTSD Awareness Month! This post contains a WHOLE BUNCH of PTSD and Complex PTSD resources that you can use to find out more for yourself and to share with those you love.

Why Do I Care About PTSD and Complex PTSD Recovery So Much?

graphic of a sad person sitting in the corner, arms around knees and knees up to chest, dark cloud over their head. Text is Why do I care about ptsd recovery? The reason is simple: PTSD is a B*TCH. We do NOT need to live with PTSD symptoms.

The reason is simple:

PTSD is a B*TCH.

And we do NOT need to live with PTSD symptoms.

I talk about PTSD almost *every* day with people, and with each conversation, I’m reminded how much these symptoms steal from us: a sense of foundational calm in our nervous systems, the desire and ability to connect with people and the world, good sleep, concentration, memories, and peaceful relationships, among other things (here’s an explanation of PTSD symptoms that gets into this in more detail).

I suffered with complex PTSD symptoms for almost two decades before finding PTSD Remediation, which eradicated the symptoms. I quickly realized how much easier it was to function in everyday life and change trauma responses that had run the show for many years.

When I decided to take this treatment – called PTSD Remediation – and offer it to people like me, I quickly discovered that outside of military experience, people simply don’t know about PTSD in any form.

People – just like you and me – don’t know that they suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and that they can get rid of these painful and isolating symptoms. (Curious if your trauma symptoms are related to PTSD? Take this FREE PTSD Quiz to find out!)

Many PTSD Recovery Resources Right Here!

I like to offer a lot of free information and strategies about PTSD Recovery, because there’s no “right” way to go through trauma and grief recovery. I welcome you to pick and choose what works for you and to share this info with others.

PTSD Basic Info

Free PTSD Symptoms Quiz – this quiz helps identify what symptoms you might be dealing with as a result of having PTSD symptoms.

Managing PTSD Symptoms over the July 4th Holiday – Timely information for the coming holiday.

Four Main Symptoms of PTSD – there are 17 total symptoms, but these main four help screen people who are not in the military.

PTSD Education

Blue text on light watercolor blue background: Survival mode is NOT meant to last forever Kelly Wilson, CTRC Trauma, PTSD & Grief Recovery

Free page of PTSD Resources

Explain PTSD to others using this helpful post or buying these books to read or listen to.

8 Treatment Options for PTSD, because there’s no “one right way” to treat this psychological trauma.

Three Solid Ways to Lessen PTSD Symptoms

PTSD Actions

Two Free PTSD Apps to keep track of symptoms

Build a PTSD Trigger Toolkit – triggers are TOUGH, and here are ways to help before, during, and after.

What Pisses Me Off About PTSD Treatment – Protocol for PTSD treatment? What protocol? Spoiler alert: I created one.

What You Need to Know About PTSD Remediation – groundbreaking treatment that I went through and wanted to offer others.


And the bonus of one of my all-time favorite trauma, ptsd and grief recovery articles:

Are Trauma & Grief Emotions Stored in the Anus? The answer may surprise you!

You Don’t Need to Screen for PTSD By Yourself! Schedule A FREE PTSD Screening Appointment here.

Four Truths About Thriving in Trauma Recovery | Map Your Healing Journey

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know AND

61 Tips About the Grief Experience.

Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out more!

Virtual Writing Group for Father's Day Feelings - Two Sessions


Trauma survivors often experience their most profoundly painful experiences at the hand of their parents.

I am one of those trauma survivors. One of the things that has gotten me through the toughest parts of my life is writing. From junior high school onward, I’ve been processing the world through words, written and spoken. Writing – in groups, especially – continues to help move me forward in my personal trauma and grief work.

There’s a profound sense of healing that happens when we feel SEEN and HEARD.

I recently hosted two virtual writing sessions about Mother’s Day, and I have been motivated and encouraged to offer sessions about Father’s Day feelings.

How Does This Virtual Writing Group Work?

We gather in a zoom room – early for chatting, if you’d like – and I help introduce everyone.

I announce the guidelines, which are Confidentiality, Compassion, and Thoughtful Response so that we can all feel as safe as possible. We do a brief grounding exercise. I introduce the prompts and we write on our own for a specific amount of time.

Once the timer goes off, we stop writing and take a brief bathroom break. Then we come back together and each person reads, giving time for Thoughtful Responses. These are responses that are ONLY about how the piece affected you and what resonated (NO critique allowed).

How Do I Sign Up?

So glad you asked! Send me an email at or comment on this post and I’ll send you the zoom link as we get closer. Questions? Please email or comment those as well!

There are TWO Father’s Day Virtual Writing Sessions. Here are the details:

Tuesday 6/11/2024 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM PST

Thursday 6/13/2024 from 1:30 to 3:30pm PST.

Donation only – I’ll provide links.

Also, details are here ⬇️ ⬇️

Try Trauma Recovery & Grief Recovery Coaching

Four Truths About Thriving in Trauma Recovery | Map Your Healing Journey

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know AND

61 Tips About the Grief Experience.

Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out more!

The Bathroom Mystery Has Been Solved!






This provides us all with FREE serotonin and no more critters trapped underneath the tub!

Whew. Thank goodness.

This post had little to do with trauma or grief, BUT if you’re interested ~

Try Trauma Recovery & Grief Recovery Coaching

Four Truths About Thriving in Trauma Recovery | Map Your Healing Journey

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know AND

61 Tips About the Grief Experience.

Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out more!