June is PTSD Awareness Month! This post contains a WHOLE BUNCH of PTSD and Complex PTSD resources that you can use to find out more for yourself and to share with those you love.
Why Do I Care About PTSD and Complex PTSD Recovery So Much?

The reason is simple:
PTSD is a B*TCH.
And we do NOT need to live with PTSD symptoms.
I talk about PTSD almost *every* day with people, and with each conversation, I’m reminded how much these symptoms steal from us: a sense of foundational calm in our nervous systems, the desire and ability to connect with people and the world, good sleep, concentration, memories, and peaceful relationships, among other things (here’s an explanation of PTSD symptoms that gets into this in more detail).
I suffered with complex PTSD symptoms for almost two decades before finding PTSD Remediation, which eradicated the symptoms. I quickly realized how much easier it was to function in everyday life and change trauma responses that had run the show for many years.
When I decided to take this treatment – called PTSD Remediation – and offer it to people like me, I quickly discovered that outside of military experience, people simply don’t know about PTSD in any form.
People – just like you and me – don’t know that they suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and that they can get rid of these painful and isolating symptoms. (Curious if your trauma symptoms are related to PTSD? Take this FREE PTSD Quiz to find out!)
Many PTSD Recovery Resources Right Here!
I like to offer a lot of free information and strategies about PTSD Recovery, because there’s no “right” way to go through trauma and grief recovery. I welcome you to pick and choose what works for you and to share this info with others.
PTSD Basic Info
Free PTSD Symptoms Quiz – this quiz helps identify what symptoms you might be dealing with as a result of having PTSD symptoms.
Managing PTSD Symptoms over the July 4th Holiday – Timely information for the coming holiday.
Four Main Symptoms of PTSD – there are 17 total symptoms, but these main four help screen people who are not in the military.
PTSD Education

Free page of PTSD Resources
Explain PTSD to others using this helpful post or buying these books to read or listen to.
8 Treatment Options for PTSD, because there’s no “one right way” to treat this psychological trauma.
Three Solid Ways to Lessen PTSD Symptoms
PTSD Actions
Two Free PTSD Apps to keep track of symptoms
Build a PTSD Trigger Toolkit – triggers are TOUGH, and here are ways to help before, during, and after.
What Pisses Me Off About PTSD Treatment – Protocol for PTSD treatment? What protocol? Spoiler alert: I created one.
What You Need to Know About PTSD Remediation – groundbreaking treatment that I went through and wanted to offer others.
And the bonus of one of my all-time favorite trauma, ptsd and grief recovery articles:
Are Trauma & Grief Emotions Stored in the Anus? The answer may surprise you!
You Don’t Need to Screen for PTSD By Yourself! Schedule A FREE PTSD Screening Appointment here.

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know AND
61 Tips About the Grief Experience.
Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching
I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.
Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out more!