This is fine. We’re FINE! IT’S FINE.
Okay, maybe I’m a little tired. AND I ordered this shirt recently and I’m VERY excited to wear it to work with clients!
I don’t know about you, but MY depression and anxiety morphs over the holidays, beginning around the middle of October until the beginning of January.
How does it morph? The comparison that comes to mind is that I turn into Shrek and live in the swamp. This is before Fiona comes on the scene.
During the holidays, my energy level is so low that it reaches the core of the Earth. I only want to eat sugar, preferably in the form of Muddy Buddies (aka Puppy Chow). I can get a little irritable and tend to isolate. You know, like Shrek.
And plans? What plans? I cannot make any plans because there is an EXCELLENT chance that I will not be functional enough to go anywhere or interact with people EXCEPT in my work with clients, which actually helps me immensely this time of year. But I can’t work 24/7.
Which Brings Me to Holiday Depression & Anxiety Resources
One of the things that I do to help ease my holiday woes is to radically accept where I’m at.
Yeah, easier said than done sometimes, but it’s much more peaceful than fighting battles that I can’t and won’t win.
THEN, I make plans. I use the term “plans” loosely, because these “plans” are about getting a lot of rest, taking really good care of myself, creating smart and gentle boundaries for myself, and reminding myself that this is what I need in my trauma, ptsd, and grief recovery process.
Enjoy this roundup of fancy holiday ptsd, depression, anxiety and grief resources!
First, a Special Thanksgiving Resource
“What are you thankful for?” can be boring and affirmations make me gag. SO, I learned a way to keep track of and express my gratitude in FOUR STEPS, and they can be found here: Feeling Gratitude…Authentically
PTSD Resources
Read This If Your PTSD Ramps Up Over the Holidays
Alternatives to Therapy While You Wait
Holiday Depression & Anxiety

Feeling Depressed? I Wrote Us a Love Letter – this is one of my most favorite things I’ve ever written.
Feeling Winter Depression Coming On? Don’t Freak Out
FREE Anxiety Toolkit to Download
Grieving During the Holidays
For Those Grieving Over the Holidays
Making it Through the First Year of Grief
Soothing Grief with Radical Acceptance
You are NOT alone.
Have a lovely Thanksgiving, and I’ll be back with
Christmas-centered self-care ideas soon!
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