Final Dates & Deets for Fall Trauma & Grief Writing

Final Dates & Deets for Fall Trauma & Grief Writing


I’m EXCITED for our Fall Trauma & Grief Writing Group! Summer has given me PLENTY to write about and process, and I’m ready to get it out of my nervous system and onto the page.

This group will meet virtually on Zoom for 5 different (scattered) days in September, October, and November. This group is Pay What You Can (people typically pay between $25 and $50 per session but there is no set fee).

What To Expect Each Writing Day

I facilitate each writing day with the goal of making this the safest and most comfortable group setting to write what you need to write without judgment or criticism. Years of leading and participating in groups like these have helped me create the following structure:

  • First, we will build a safe community with a set of ground rules that we all create.
  • Second, I will lead a grounding exercise. 
  • Third, I will provide a few prompts to get us started. We will write for a specific amount of time. 
  • Fourth, we’ll take a short break, with snacks.
  • Fifth, we’ll read our work. When each writer is done reading, we are allowed to respond with what resonated for us as witnesses to the story. No criticism of form or content allowed. 
  • Last, we will do a brief grounding exercise and be on our way.

Virtual Writing Group Dates and Times

We will be meeting on 5 Sundays: 9/8, 9/29, 10/13, 10/27, and 11/10.

We will start at NOON PST PST PST. We will go 3 to 3.5 hours with a break in the middle.

Where? ZOOM

The cost for each meeting is Pay What You Can via Paypal, Venmo, or Stripe (people typically pay between $25 and $50 per session but there is no set fee).

Fill Out This Form to Sign Up

Filling out this form will allow me to have your email address and to be mindful of the different timezones in the group. All further communication about the writing group will be via email.

Questions or concerns? Please email

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Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

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