Celebrate With First Anniversary Deals

Celebrate With First Anniversary Deals



September 1st, 2021. That was the day that I sat down at my desk in my new office space and took my first Discovery Call.

I was so nervous. Sweaty palms and forehead. A touch of nausea. Definitely stomach butterflies.

Completely terrified. “I don’t know what I’m doing” and “What if I fail” swirling around in my head.

If I’ve learned anything this year – and I’ve learned A TON – I DO know what I’m doing and “so what” about failure! What does that even mean? Pppppsssshhhhtttt.

It’s been a great year, and I am thankful for this trauma and grief recovery community. I’m celebrating this milestone by offering some hot one year anniversary deals that can only be found here!

Caskets From Costco

Yes, Costco sells caskets (and urns). Caskets From Costco is my book about trauma and grief recovery.

I ordered quite a few books to sell at my booth at summer festivals, but I got Covid right as the last community festival started. That is a bummer, but now I’ve got these to sell for a great price!

If you would like to order a signed copy, go here to get one for only $10 with FREE shipping.

(Please note: all books will be sent *after* 9/5, I’m on forced family fun vacation).

Anniversary Coupon Codes

I LOVE coupon codes. Way back in 2008, I started couponing hardcore – remember those shows about extreme couponing? I wasn’t *that* hardcore, but I *did* have stockpiles and enjoyed getting the deals.

Here are a couple of coupon codes that you can use to get 20% off individual appointments, packages, and classes. These coupon codes can only be found here, and they expire in December. Simply put in the coupon codes when you check out and the discount will be applied.

For individual appointments, use CELEBRATE to get 20% off. This code can be used up to 5 times.

For packages, use ANNIVERSARY to get 20% off. This code can be used once.

For classes, use the coupon code CELEBRATE for 20% off the Healing Through Humor or the Stronger Together.

Paying it Forward

It’s important to me that people get the help that they need. I have benefited from scholarships and pay-what-you-can opportunities in the past, and I like to keep that going in my own life.

Pay It Forward Starter Package3 appointments for a hundred bucks. This makes a great gift for yourself or someone you love. The link for this deal can only be found here, nowhere else. If you’ve been on the fence about trying out trauma or grief recovery work, this is a great opportunity.

Donate to Someone in Need – I take on a number of pro bono and pay-what-you-can clients each quarter, and I offer scholarships for groups and classes on a regular basis. Part of what keeps this going is donations from people like you. Any amount helps!

It’s been a wonderful year!

Thank you for being part of this community!

Try Trauma Recovery & Grief Recovery Coaching

Four Truths About Thriving in Trauma Recovery | Map Your Healing Journey

Sign up here to get a free copy of Five Things Every Trauma Survivor Needs to Know &

61 Tips About the Grief Experience.

Find out more about Trauma and Grief Recovery Coaching

I offer one-on-one sessions, groups, PTSD Remediation, and classes. Appointments are offered in-person and online.

Try Trauma Recovery and Grief Recovery Coaching for Free! Book an appointment or schedule your FREE 30-minute discovery call to learn more!

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