You are Not Crazy: The World is Stressful Right Now

You are Not Crazy: The World is Stressful Right Now


My dear,

You are not crazy. The world is stressful right now.

It’s *not* just you.

I could tell you to do a lot of things.

Good things. Helpful things. Mental health things.

Take your meds. Eat nutritious food. Rest…A LOT. Move your body. HYDRATE.

Instead, this love letter tells us both to –

Get quiet. Unplug. Go to the woods.

(Trees have their own vagus nerve, did you know that? Trees help regulate our nervous systems.)

Be cooled by shade and a slight breeze. Watch rays of sunlight dapple shadowed leaves.

Be comforted by the sound of water flowing over rocks. Dip your feet in. Allow them to go numb in an icy creek. Lean back against the hardness of strong stone.

Remember what it was like to make chains of tiny daisies? To sip a honeysuckle bloom? To have a picnic on a blanket in a meadow? To nap in the shade, using your arm as a pillow?

Maybe you never got to do those things. Maybe you have forgotten that you ever did them.

Eat your favorite sandwich.

Feel bored.


Sing silly songs.

Dilly dally.

Be awed by the height of a waterfall or a tiny frog that jumps into your palm.

This is reality. Right here.

Light and shadows and leaves and bark and stone and water.

Be in the certainty that the trees and mycelium and clouds and falling water and light and shadows and the grains of sand that were once a whole rock ~

They are here, day after day,

Year after year;

They have been here

Before you and I were born.

Before anyone we know ever lived.

Loosen your jaw.

Drop your shoulders.

Close your eyes.

Deepen your breath.

You are here.

Right here.

Right now.

You Don’t Have to Do This Work Alone

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